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Staffordshire Baptisms

Discover your ancestors who were baptised in Staffordshire between 1538 and 1900. Build your family tree from details such as when and where your relative was baptised and the names of their parents. Included in these records are those of renowned potter Josiah Wedgwood, who was baptised in 1730, and was the grandfather of Charles Darwin. You can also explore these records through our new Staffordshire, Parish Registers Browse.

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Discover your ancestors who were baptised in Staffordshire between 1538 and 1900. Build your family tree from details such as when and where your relative was baptised and the names of their parents. Included in these records are those of renowned potter Josiah Wedgwood, who was baptised in 1730, and was the grandfather of Charles Darwin. You can also explore these records through our new Staffordshire, Parish Registers Browse.


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Birth year
Baptism year
Browse Place
Father's first name(s)
Mother's first name(s)
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