New Zealand, Nelson, Petition After The Wairau Incident 1843

Did your ancestors settle in Nelson, New Zealand? Uncover their occupation in this census substitute from Nelson in 1844, compiled from a petition reported in the local newspaper. Discover whether your ancestor signed this petition regarding the infamous Wairau Affray, or Wairau incident, of 1843, which was the first significant armed conflict between Māori and British settlers to occur after the Treaty of Waitangi was signed.

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Did your ancestors settle in Nelson, New Zealand? Uncover their occupation in this census substitute from Nelson in 1844, compiled from a petition reported in the local newspaper. Discover whether your ancestor signed this petition regarding the infamous Wairau Affray, or Wairau incident, of 1843, which was the first significant armed conflict between Māori and British settlers to occur after the Treaty of Waitangi was signed.


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